Are there any botnets that come from either public or private sectors?"This is our public-sector botnet." Boy, I'd like to see one of those.
Bruce Sterling in More Cyberwar Semantics at Beyond the Beyond photo credit: Beverly & PackAfter years of rumoured increases in the number and sophistication of attacks on the nation's public and private networked infrastructure, groups claiming to be from North Korea declare all out cyberwar. The U.S. government realizes that it needs its own, bigger, botnet to strike back. Rather than risk secure military computers, to say nothing of the hardware procurement and deployment time, the innovative Cyber Home Defence Initiative is announced.Combining elements of Conficker, Folding@Home, and old fashioned American wartime patriotic spirit, the CHDI allows allows ordinary citizens to do their part by dedicating spare cycles and bandwidth to protecting the networked home front and striking back at America's enemies. A quick download and completely automatic installation makes contributing to the defence effort as easy as leaving you computer on and online when it's not in use.Whichever political party isn't in power decries the CHDI as yet another infringement on American liberties, a governmental land grab, and a violation of privacy in hearth and home. The other side leverages their extensive social networking capabilities to build support for, and sign-ups to, the initiative. Department of Defence officials decline to comment on rumours that Blackwater's cyber security division is renting time on the Nucrypt botnet.